AI referred to here is not something like a general purpose

Updated on April 1, 2023 in Voice
0 on April 1, 2023

The purpose of voicebots is to automatically respond to inquiries from consumers by telephone but there are differences in detailed specifications even if they are called voicebots . Although it is often regarded as a technology similar to chatbots it requires a comprehensive understanding of these mechanisms because it requires knowledge of voice systems such as phone line specifications for communication and transfer with voice platforms.

I would say it is very difficult to do. Let s take a step by step look at how basic responses work. Voice bot starts from capturing voice received as a phone call in real time . This audio is streamed and first transcribed into text information through a speech recognition engine. Once it becomes text we will make judgments according to the scenario based on natural languageI and condition matching by keyw sweden phone number list ords. The natural language artificial intelligence that naturally makes insights and thinks about answers but is used only to capture fluctuations in words . When proceeding to the next conversation conditional branching is the basis and this refers to the progress of the conversation in the so called rule based type . Rule base old and uncool General AI new and wonderful Many people have such an image but even in actual call centers human operators respond to calls according to the trained talk flow and talk script.

It sounds very good when you hear that a trained general purpose artificial intelligence is a voice bot that answers without scenarios but if you turn it around it s like answering the phone without training for completely inexperienced work and this is not AI. Even if you are human you will probably find it very difficult. Even in the case of humans as long as there are business rules and talk scripts it means that we respond according to the rules and the part that recognizes the customer s utterance and interprets what is intended fluctuation of words It means that you are using your intelligence for the recognition of From that point of view both voicebots and call center operators develop conversations based on rules in the same way .

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